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Monday, April 30

April 30th - Naming Groups... Continued

Today, we continued our work with naming groups. Last class, we went over the rules for naming. This class we mostly did examples.

One important addition: carbon chains without functional groups are often abbreviated as R. For example, R-OH would be alcohol.

Here are the examples we went through:

Ex.) Draw: 2, 3 diphenyl 3 ethyl 1, 5 pentadiol

To draw this compound, first draw the parent chain. Afterwards, attach two OH groups to carbons 1 and 5 on the parent chain. Finally, add two benzene side chains and an ethyl at the appropriate places. 

Ex.) Draw: Phenol

This is a special compound. Phenol consists of a benzene attached to a single OH group. 

We also learned about aldehydes. Like ketones, aldehydes have an oxygen double bond. However, in this case, the oxygen is bonded on the end. The suffix for the compound is ‘-al’.

The simplest form is methanal, which is better known as formaldehyde.

We also started our study of other functional groups.

The first one we learned of is carboxylic acid.

For carboxylic acids, there is a double bonded oxygen (an aldehyde) and an alcohol functional group on the last carbon. The suffix for this compound is ‘-ioc acid’.

Ex.) Draw: 3 chloro 2 methyl butanoic acid

To draw this compound, first draw the parent chain. From there, add the OH group and the double bonded oxygen on the first carbon. Finally, add your side chains. Done!

That’s it for today’s lesson. Next class, we can expect to continue learning about functional groups.

Here's the vid:

Posted by Michael.

Thursday, April 26

April 26th - Naming Compounds

Today we discovered more molecules. Here they are:

            Identify halogen elements.
            Name parent chain.
            Treat halogen groups as side chains. Ie. fluoro, chloro, etc.
            Name other side chains.
This functional group is also known as halocarbons.

            Identify a double bonded oxygen group (not on start of end of parent chain)
            Name the parent chain. (ending will be –one)
            Lowest number for double bond.
            Add other side chains.

            Identify carbon chains on ‘ether’ side of an oxygen atom.
            Oxygen can be treated like the parent chain.
            Side chains are listed in lowest number of C.
                        Order of this? Who knows? Just write alphabetical order. 

Examples are on the next blog.

Did you know methanone or ethanone do not exist?

Posted by Andrew.

Thursday, April 19

April 19th - Alicyclics and Aromatics

Today, we learned about alicyclics and aromatics.

Carbon is capable of forming 2 kinds of closed loops. Alicyclics are loops usually made with single bonds. If the parent chain is a loop, standard naming rules apply (except ‘-cyclo’ is added before the parent chain).

In this example, we have cyclopentane. It’s simple, as there are no side chains.

Numbering can start anywhere, but side chain numbers must be the lowest possible.

Here are a few more examples:

Ex.) Draw: 1, 3, 5 trimethyl cyclohexane

This one is pretty easy. First, we draw the cyclohexane (which is a carbon chain of 6 with the ends connected). We then add side chains (methyl) at three spots. Easy.

Ex.) Name: 

The parent chain here is cyclobutane. There are 2 methyl side chains, both at position 1. Therefore, the name is 1,1 dimethyl cyclobutane. 

Loops can also be in side chains. The same rules apply for naming, except the side chain is given the ‘cyclo-‘ prefix.

Here's an example:

Ex.) Draw: 2 methyl 3 cyclopropyl pentane

This is done by first drawing the parent chain (5 carbons). Then, we add the methyl at the 2nd carbon. Finally, we add the cyclopropyl at the third carbon. Done!

Benzene (C6H6) is a cyclic hydrocarbon with unique bonds between the carbon atoms. Structurally, is can be drawn with alternating double bonds:

In the case of benzene, all 6 carbon-carbon bonds are identical and really represent a 1.5 bond all around. This is due to electron resonance. Another way to thing about it is that the electrons are free to move all around the ring. We can draw benzene like so:

Benzene can be a parent chain or a side chain. As a side chain, it is called ‘phenyl’.

Here's an example with benzene:

Ex.) Draw: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 hexamethyl benzene

First, draw the benzene. Then, simply add 6 methyls. 

As always, the obligatory video:

Posted by Michael.

Monday, April 16

April 16th - Alkenes and Alkynes

As we know by now (or should know), carbon can form double or triple bonds with other carbon atoms. When there are only single bonds present, it is considered a saturated compound, because all possible bonds are bonded to other atoms. On the other hand, double or triple bonds, present in alkynes and alkenes, are unsaturated. When there are multiple bonds, fewer hydrogens are attached to the carbon atom.

The rules for naming alkenes and alkynes are almost identical. However, remember this: The position of the double/triple bonds always has the lowest number and is put in front of the parent chain. For example, in the photo below:

This molecule consists of four carbons. The double bond occurs at 2. Therefore, this is 2-butene

Let's review some of the rules, just in case:

  1. Find the longest, appropriate parent chain
  2. Number the base chain so that side chains have the lowest total value
  3. Name each side chain
  4. Add some numbers
  5. List the side chain alphabetically (if you encounter the same letter, then the one with the lowest number takes precedence)
  6. If you have two or more double/triple bonds present, you will need to add a multiplier right before the '–ene'/'-yne' ending.

That is it! Let's try one:

Name this: 

Let's count the parent chain: It consists of four carbons.
Lowest numbering of alkenes: 1,3
Therefore, this is: 1, 3 butadiene

There are also these fancy structures that go by the name of –cis and –trans. This applies only to alkene groups, specially butene (but not restricted to it).

If the adjacent carbons are on the same side, then its cis ___. If it’s on the opposite sides, it is trans ____. There is also a possibility that it is neither cis nor trans. How does that look? Well, try it out yourself.

Posted by Andrew. 

Thursday, April 12

April 12th - An Intro to Organic Chemistry

Today, we started organic chemistry.

Organic chemistry is the study of carbon compounds. As we know, carbon can form four covalent bonds. This property allows it to form long chains, rings or branches with other carbon compounds. The variety and number of compounds carbon can form is astounding! It’s interesting to note that there are 17 000 000+ organic compounds, but less than 100 000 inorganic compounds.

The simplest organic compounds are made up of carbon and hydrogen.



As you can see above, there are two ways to write the formula for a compound: condensed and structural. For example, CH3CH3 would be the condensed formula, while the image shows the structural formula.

We also learned that saturated compounds have no double or triple bonds. The compounds with only single bonds, which we are currently studying, are called alkanes and always end in ‘-ane’.

Another note: isomers are different compounds with the same empirical formula (like C5H2).

There are 3 types of organic compounds:
  1. Straight Chains
  2. Cyclic Chains
  3. Aromatics
We focused solely on straight chains today.

To name them, first circle the longest continuous chain and name this as the base chain.

For example, in the following compound, there is a 7 carbon chain. The longest chain can be identified as the longest path that can be made without going over the same carbon twice. Since there are 7 carbons, we can use the prefix ‘hept-‘ to identify the chain. Here are the guidelines for naming the chains:

  • 1 carbon – meth
  • 2 carbons – eth
  • 3 carbons – prop
  • 4 carbons – but
  • 5 carbons – pent
  • 6 carbons – hex
  • 7 carbons – hept
  • 8 carbons – oct
  • 9 carbons – non
  • 10 carbons – dec

We also know that there are only single bonds, so the suffix is ‘-ane’. Therefore, the compound’s primary name is ‘heptane’.

We must also name the side chains. We must number the side chains so that they have the lowest possible aggregate number. Here, we would start counting from the left. The side chains are only one carbon long, so they take the prefix ‘meth-’ and the suffix ‘-yl-. There are three of these, so we give it another prefix: ‘tri-’.

Following all of these rules, the compound is 3, 3, 5 trimethyl heptane.

With that out of the way, now we can do some examples.

Ex.) Name:

This one is pretty easy. The parent chain is 5 carbons long, so it is pentane. Then, numbering properly, we get 2, 2 dimethyl for the side chains. Therefore, the compound is 2, 2 dimethyl pentane. 

Ex.) Draw: 2, 2 dimethyl hexane.

This one is also very easy. First, draw the parent chain. Then, simply add a methyl at the second carbon in the chain:

That's it! As always, he is the video:

Posted by Michael.

Tuesday, April 10

April 10th - The Test

Today, we did the test. There's not much more to say. Next class, we'll start the next chapter:

Unit 7: Organic Chemistry

Word on the street is that organic chemistry is quite hard.

Posted by Michael.

Wednesday, April 4

April 4th - Like Dissolves Like

Today’s lab had a catch to it; it’s didn’t smell too well. But that was no problem, as our group quickly set up six test tubes. Three were filled with water, and the other three with turpentine (paint thinner). Why did we set this up? Well, we wanted to know if glycerin is polar or non-polar.

We added table salt to a test tube AW (water) and to AT (turpentine). We did the same with sugar and crystals of iodine. What did we notice after some shaking? Well,

Table Salt and sugar both dissolved in water, whereas iodine (I2) did not.
Iodine dissolved in paint thinner, whereas table salt and sugar did not.

We knew that water was polar and that turpentine was non-polar. In addition, we knew that table salt and sugar were polar and iodine was not. Therefore, since polar substances dissolved only in polar substances, we knew there was a connection. In addition, since non-polar substances dissolved only in non-polar substances, we discovered what was going on.

Like dissolved Like. Polar dissolves polar; non-polar dissolved power.

With this power in hand (knowledge is power), we set off to find out whether glycerin is polar. After adding it to water and shaking, it dissolved. Therefore, it was polar. We could have further explored this, but the turpentine ran out. But we can imagine what would happen. Since turpentine is non-polar, and glycerin turned out to be polar, then glycerin would not dissolve in the turpentine.

As we learned from the lab, only ‘like dissolves like’. Therefore, unless the mixture above is stirred, the two non-polar substances cannot come into contact and will remain separated by the polar substances.

And as a first for this blog, we have a video that directly corresponds to the picture:

Monday, April 2

April 2nd - The Different Types of Molecular Bonds

Today, we learned all about intermolecular and intramolecular bonds.

As we know, bonds can exist within a molecule. Ionic bonds, metallic bonds, and covalent bonds are all types of bonds that hold ions together within a compound. We can call the bonds that hold ions together intramolecular bonds.

Intermolecular bonds, on the other hand, exist between separate molecules. The stronger the intermolecular bonds, the higher the boiling point or melting point of the substance. Two types of intermolecular bonds are Van der Walls bonds and hydrogen bonds, which we will cover below.

Mr. Van der Waals, in all his glory.

Van der Waals bonds are based on electron distribution. Van der Waals bonds can either be dipole-dipole bonds or weak bonds caused by the London Dispersion Force. 

  1. Dipole-dipole bonds occur because of the charge separation in a molecule. The positive end of a polar molecule attracts the negative end of another polar molecule, creating a bond. This type of bond is very strong.
  2. London Dispersion Forces are bonds that can occur in all molecules. However, it creates the weakest bond. If a substance is non-polar, dipole-dipole forces cannot exist. Instead, electrons are free to move around and, sooner or later, will find themselves bunched on one side. This causes the side with the electrons to become negatively charged, and the other end positive. Like dipole-dipole bonds, the positive and negative ends are attracted to the positive and negative ends of other molecules.

Observe the LDF in action.

It is also important to note that the greater the number of electrons in a molecule, the stronger the London Dispersion Force will be. 

Ex.) Which of the following compounds will have the greatest LDF? CH4 or C2H6? The answer is C2H8 because it has more electrons. It has 18 electrons vs. methane’s 10 electrons.

Hydrogen bonding is the last type we learned about. If hydrogen is bonded to certain elements (specifically fluorine, oxygen, or nitrogen), the bond is highly polar. This forms a very strong intermolecular bond.

Ex.) Which molecule has the highest boiling point? C2F4 or C2Cl6? Remember, high boiling points occur because there are strong bonds between molecules. Both of these molecules are polar, so we have to look at the LDF of each.

Of course, C2Cl6 has more electrons, so it has stronger bonds (and therefore, a higher boiling point.)

Ex.) Which molecule has the highest boiling point? H2O or H2S?

Both of these are hydrogen bonds. However, water is a special case because hydrogen is bonded to oxygen, and there is a large charge separation. Therefore, it has the highest boiling point of the two.

What fun! As always, the video:

Posted by Michael.