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Monday, April 30

April 30th - Naming Groups... Continued

Today, we continued our work with naming groups. Last class, we went over the rules for naming. This class we mostly did examples.

One important addition: carbon chains without functional groups are often abbreviated as R. For example, R-OH would be alcohol.

Here are the examples we went through:

Ex.) Draw: 2, 3 diphenyl 3 ethyl 1, 5 pentadiol

To draw this compound, first draw the parent chain. Afterwards, attach two OH groups to carbons 1 and 5 on the parent chain. Finally, add two benzene side chains and an ethyl at the appropriate places. 

Ex.) Draw: Phenol

This is a special compound. Phenol consists of a benzene attached to a single OH group. 

We also learned about aldehydes. Like ketones, aldehydes have an oxygen double bond. However, in this case, the oxygen is bonded on the end. The suffix for the compound is ‘-al’.

The simplest form is methanal, which is better known as formaldehyde.

We also started our study of other functional groups.

The first one we learned of is carboxylic acid.

For carboxylic acids, there is a double bonded oxygen (an aldehyde) and an alcohol functional group on the last carbon. The suffix for this compound is ‘-ioc acid’.

Ex.) Draw: 3 chloro 2 methyl butanoic acid

To draw this compound, first draw the parent chain. From there, add the OH group and the double bonded oxygen on the first carbon. Finally, add your side chains. Done!

That’s it for today’s lesson. Next class, we can expect to continue learning about functional groups.

Here's the vid:

Posted by Michael.

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